1914, 27.3.1907, 2.4.1909, 12.6.1909 og 2.11.1909.
T. Kragelund: op. cit., 1957-58, p. 23.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 26.2.1929,
13.4 1930, 30.7.1930, 9.12.1932 og 25.2.1933.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 5.3.1940.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 12.9.1914.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 30.10.1914.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 18.1.1916,
30.6.1903 og 28.6.1908.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 26.2.1935.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 25.2.1918,
25.2 1927, 29.1.1929 og 26.2.1929.
Gunnar Bloch Gregersen: Livet i ”Søndertoft” omkring
Fra Ribe Amt
1998, bd. XXVII-3, p. 453 f.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 25.2.1927.
H.K. Kristensen: op. cit., 1977, p. 102.
T. Kragelund: op. cit., 1957-58, p. 23.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Andelsmejeriet i Ho 1898-
1914, 22.3.1913 og Ho-Oksby Sogneråds Forhandlingspro-
tokoller 1871-1970, 26.3.1913.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Andelsmejeriet i Ho 1898-
1914, 19.4.1913, 17.7.1913 og 9.1.1914.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Andelsmejeriet i Ho 1898-
1914, 16.6.1914, 24.6.1914 og 10.10.1914 samt Forhand-
lingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen i Mejeri-, Foder- og
Ho-Oksby Sogneråds Forhandlingsprotokoller 1871-
1970, 19.4.1921 og 19.8.1921.
Ho-Oksby Sogneråds Forhandlingsprotokoller 1871-
1970, 16.6.1922.
Ho-Oksby Sogneråds Forhandlingsprotokoller 1871-
1970, 6.10.1922.
Ho-Oksby Sogneråds Forhandlingsprotokoller 1871-
1970, 21.3.1923.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 11.12.1943
og 12.9.1947.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen i Meje-
ri-, Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 6.3.1922,
og 16.11.1945.
Forhandlingsprotokol for Generalforsamlingen iMejeri-,
Foder- og Gødningsstofforeningen 1914-1948, 21.6.1945.
Meddelt af E.G. Jørgensen, der dengang sad i kommu-
nalbestyrelsen for Blåvandshuk kommune.
Ho Quay had its golden age as an unloading place for the
market town of Varde until the end of the 1700s, when Ho
Bay sanded up and made navigation difficult. While it was
possible, most ships berthed in the Schalling Haven deep,
south of Sønderside (South Side) between Ho and Oksby,
and later they moved into the shallow waters in the shelter
of Grenen or a little further north at Nørreballe. It was pos-
sible at both places for horse-drawn wagons to drive out to
the ships and ferry goods or load/unload at low tide.
In 1832, Søren Rasch, who was a skipper in Ho, built a
wharf at which he himself and other people’s boats could
moor when they brought goods to Ho, and the following
year he began to sail a ferry service from Ho to Hjerting
and Fanø Island. It is not known how long Rasch’s wharf
was usable, or whether it was in the same place as the jetty
which was built at Ho in the 1880s. However, it was clearly
this jetty which was taken over by the Hogaard cooperative
dairy between 1888 and 1895, and was then called “Mejeri-
ets Lossebro” – the dairy jetty.
Ho Quay and the later wharf functioned locally up to the
1930s, when freight traffic on the Wadden Sea was taken
over by lorry transport. The wharf was destroyed by ice and
a storm in 1943, but small local boats continued to use the
jetty into the 1950s and 60s. After 1970 a smaller jetty was
built a little further to the south, and it is still in use for
leisure sailing.
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