Eskildsen: op.cit, 1943, p. 26 s.
Oplysninger indsamlet i forbindelse med Projekt Tøn-
dermarsken, udarbejdet 2000-2001, som led i Tønder-Bal-
lum-projektet under Lancewad-projektet. Materialet findes
på Højer Lokalhistoriske Arkiv.
1. Udgave, 1. Bind, 1864, p. 148.
Kim Furdal (red.):
Kulturmiljøer og kulturhistoriske en-
keltelementer i Sønderjylland – en redegørelse.
lands Amt 2001, p. 89.
Folmer Christiansen:
Sparekassen i Højer 1843-1993.
Med træk fra byen efter 1920.
Højer 1993, p. 201.
Trap: op.cit. 1864, p. 147.
Trap: op. cit. 1928, p. 263.
Christiansen: op. cit, 1993, p. 85f. Trap: op.cit. 1928, p.
Kristensen: op. cit. 1965, p. 83 og 133; Bjarne Stoklund:
Bondefiskere og Strandsiddere. Studier over de store sæson-
fiskerier 1350-1600.
Landbohistorisk Selskab 2000, p. 147.
Kristensen: op.cit. 1965, p. 133.
Sønderjyllands Amts kulturmiljøregistreringer id. Nr. 20047.
Claus Christian Rolfs:
Højer sogns og flækkes histo-
. Højer 1998, p. 292 og 313. 1642 passerede 3 skibe fra
Hjerpsted List strømtold. Kristensen: op. cit, 1965, p. 133.
H.K. Kristensen giver i bogen
Gamle sydvestjyske fi-
(op. cit. 1965)
en udførlig omtale af fiskerlejerne
langs vestkysten fra Nymindegab til Husum.
Industri Industri. 25 stk. dansk kulturarv
. Red. Af Gre-
the Jensen, Henrik Sebro og Caspar Jørgensen. GADs for-
lag 2007, p. 100 ff.
For en fremstilling af de lange udviklingslinjer i Vade-
havsområdet se f.eks. Morten Hahn-Pedersen:
Fra viking til
borebisse. 50 generationer ved Vadehavet
. Esbjerg 2001.
The article discusses harbours and embarkment places in
the Danish Wadden Sea from the late Middle Ages to the
beginning of the 1900s. Harbour operations in the Wadden
Sea area were previously associated with the three old mar-
ket towns in the area, Varde, Tønder and Ribe, all of which
were situated on rivers. The market towns had a monopoly
on shipping under their municipal charters, ensuring that
customs duty was paid on the goods which were freighted
by sea. However, the old river harbours quickly became too
small to accommodate the bigger ships, and embarkment
places were therefore increasingly used. These were places
which rarely had their own harbours, but which were con-
veniently situated for ships’ access to loading and unload-
ing. The goods were reloaded at the loading places and con-
veyed up to the market towns in barges and lighters.
It was decided in 1868 to build a new harbour with as-
sociated railway connection in Esbjerg. This meant a high
level of competition for the traditional traffic from the
smaller harbours and embarkment places in the Wadden
Sea area, most of which had disappeared by the First World
War. There are now three active commercial harbours in the
Wadden Sea area: Esbjerg Harbour from 1868, the fisheries
and ferry harbour Havneby on Rømø Island from 1964, and
the little ferry harbour Nordby on Fanø Island. As in other
places, there has therefore been a concentration of harbour
operations in the Wadden Sea.
Everten "Margrethe" af Nordby for sejl. Everter er forsynet med
sidesværd, der bliver sænket ned på den side af skibet, der vender
væk fra vinden, for at forhindre det fladbundede skibs sideværts
afdrift. Foto fra begyndelsen af 1900-tallet.
1...,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,...168