på - ud fra vore observationer og erfaringer fra felten - til-
syneladende være så fredsommelig, at vi ikke har et humant
alternativ. I øvrigt har hvaler til forskel fra os mennesker fri-
villig vejrtrækning, så det er almindelig antaget, at de ikke
drukner, men at de kvæler sig selv - om det så skulle være
Afslutningsvis skal det for en ordens skyld nævnes, at
det i medfør af lov om jagt og vildtforvaltning juridisk er
Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, der har ansvaret for forvaltning af
fugle og pattedyr i Danmark, og som træffer alle afgørelser
i forbindelse med eventuel aflivning af strandede hvaler.
1. Whale resources in the North Atlantic and the con-
cept of sustainability
"Whaling in the North Atlantic - Economic and Political
Perspectives," Ed. Gudrun Petursdottir, University of Ice-
land, 1997, ISBN 9979-54-213-6. Proceedings of a confer-
ence held in Reykjavik on March 1st, 1997, organized by the
Fisheries Research Institute and the High North Alliance.
Jóhann Sigurjónsson, Marine Research Institute
P.O. Box 1390, 121 Reykjavík, Iceland
Successful euthanasia of a juvenile fin whale,
Yves Daoust, Arthur I. Ortenburger, Can Vet J 2001;42:127-
Dyrlæge Bjarne Clausen, Farum, der er bestyrelsesmed-
lem i Dyrenes Beskyttelse, har læst artiklen og har følgende
"Dyreværn er primært at sikre dyr mod men-
neskeskabte lidelser, ikke at lave om på naturen. Det må an-
tages, at de fleste strandinger af store hvaler ikke er menne-
skeskabte og derfor ikke omfatter traditionelt dyreværn. Det
ses at elefanter og andre store dyr, der ligger længe ned, får
besvær med vejrtrækning og blodomløb, hvilket foranledi-
ger mere eller mindre bevidstløs tilstand. personligt vil jeg
tro noget tilsvarende gælder for hvaler. Dyrenes Beskyttelse
kan tilslutte sig, at man lader de store hvaler, der strander i
live, dø i fred. Uvedkommende skal holdes på passende af-
stand, indtil hvalen er død, således at dyret kan få en værdig
død uden forstyrrelse fra menneskelige forstyrrelser."
Fortunately, the killing of beached whales is a rare pheno-
menon, but whale beachings nevertheless occur from time to
time, usually without warning. Veterinarians and the respon-
sible authorities are often faced with having to make a number
of serious and unpleasant decisions which must therefore be
both well-founded and, not least, cogently argued to the me-
dia. This article argues for the killing of individual beached
whales on the basis of the author’s own experience, and then
lists the options for killing which can be considered relevant
and logistically feasible.
The following methods are reviewed:
Chemical: gas (toxic or inert), injection of drugs (barbitu-
rates, muscle paralysing agents (curare)), poison.
Mechanical: asphyxiation, shooting (rifle), anti-tank weap-
on, EOD (explosive ordnance disposal - equipment used for
minesweeping etc.), explosives, exsanguination.
Logistics and time are particular problems which are often
overlooked in connection with whale beachings. It is usually
only possible to bring very light equipment to a beaching lo-
cality, and the equipment will often be difficult to procure
within a reasonable time. To this should be added that many
beachings, especially of the big sperm whales, often occur in
winter, when the days are short and the weather often bad.
The article also notes the cultural differences around the
world with respect to the priority accorded to the humane
and aesthetic aspects associated with the killing of beached
whales. The article concludes with a catalogue of the methods
of killing recommended for consideration by the Fisheries
and Maritime Museum on the basis of the museum’s own
experience in the event of a beaching. Finally, the option of
taking no action is also noted in the event that there is no
humane alternative to allowing the whale to die by itself.
Kaskelothvalens kraftige næse afskæres med ”rendegraverkniven”
på få minutter. Foto: Århus Universitet.
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