people who rarely open a book. The internet also makes it
possible to reach a wider audience than in a traditional book,
as everybody who is connected can click in to our website.
It was therefore decided to prepare a range of presentations
for different types of users. If, for example, a tourist clicks
in to the virtual museum, he or she is offered information on
museums in the region, while various teaching materials are
made available to teachers who visit the museum.
With a visit to
, it is thus possible to take
a historical round trip in the region. Of course the entire
history is not covered because this would be impossible.
We have elected to produce 36 different theme areas which,
geographically, chronologically and thematically, cover the
Schleswig-Holstein - southern Denmark region reasonably
well. It will be possible to find histories from all of this ex-
tensive area. We have of course kept an eye on the general
Danish and German history in the period in the presenta-
tion, and we have maintained a clear overview of general hi-
storical change in north-western Europe. By going beyond
national borders, it has been possible to present histories
from Schleswig-Holstein, which is almost unknown in Den-
mark - and vice versa. Increasing knowledge of “those on
the other side of the border” has been an important goal of
the project because there is currently only little knowledge
of the culture and history of the other side of the border. We
have also attempted to show the way, so that interested users
can themselves go further and obtain additional information
in books and articles which have been published on the re-
gion over the years, or visit the region’s many museums to
which we refer in the “Virtual Museum”.
Læs Perry Anderson (1994): ”Remarks on the Modern
Region Phenomenon in Western Europe” i
Den jyske Hi-
storiker Nr. 68 Regionen i Historien.
Institut for Historie.
Aarhus Universitet, p. 32-36.
Læs f.eks.
Den jyske Historiker´s
temanummer fra 1994
Regionen i Historien
og Martin Rheinheimers artikel
on und Regionalität anhand der schleswigschen Dorford-
nungen des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts.
In: Reimer Witt, Hrsg.
Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Regional- und Landes-
geschichte. Vorträge eines Regionalsymposiums im Lande-
sarchiv Schleswig-Holstein
for en nærmere diskussion af,
hvad der forstås ved regioner og regionalhistorie. I Tyskland
har ’Landesgeschichte’ gennem mange år været et vigtigt
område på mange historiske fakulteter, og herved forstås
historie med fokus på tyske regioner og delstater, men altså
normalt ikke en grænseoverskridende regionalhistorie.
The “Virtual Museum” will open in April 2008, and eve-
rybody can now go to
to learn something
about Schleswig-Holstein and southern Denmark’s history
since 1830.
It took three years to develop the museum. The web-
site was developed in a close partnership between Danish
and German researchers. From the University of Southern
Denmark, the Institute of History and Civilisation supplied
much of the history, while the Institute of Business Commu-
nication and Information Science developed the internet
platform on which the museum was constructed. Multime-
dia Production at the University of Applied Sciences, Kiel,
developed the design, layout, and a wealth of the museum’s
different multimedia presentations, while the Institut für
schleswig-holsteinische Zeit- und Regionalgeschichte at the
University of Flensburg provided the didactic communica-
tion concept and some of the historical content.
The internet has provided a range of new possibilities
relative to the more traditional forms of communication. It
is possible to show pictures, films and various animations,
which in turn make it possible to present a living history.
This should help to widen an interest in history to include
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