Alopaeus, H. & E. Elvestad 2006: Avaldsnesskipet- et
”nordisk” skip fra Polen, typescript Stavanger.
Maarleveld, Th.J., 1984:
Archeologie in troebel water.
Een nieuwe werkwijze voor scheepsonderzoek. Twee
schepen onderzocht.
Crumlin-Pedersen, O., 2000: To be or not to be a cog:
the Bremen Cog in perspective,
The International Journal
of Nautical Archaeology
(2000) 29.2: 230-246.
Förster, T., 2000: Schiffbau und Handel an der
südwestlichenOstsee - Untersuchungen anWrackfunden des
13.-15. Jahrhunderts.
Beitrage zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Band 35, 221-236.
Diskussionen om
typer har intet med
etik at gøre, men er en diskussion af, om vi afdækker
materialets oprindelige kategorier (emisk, middelalderens
brug af ordet ’kogge’) eller om kategorierne er skabt af
forskeren (etisk, vores brug af ordet ’kogge’).
Maarleveld, Th.J., 1995: Type or technique. Some
thoughts on boat and ship finds as indicative of cultural
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
24.1, 3-7.
Pers. medd. Lars Froberg Mortensen
MOSS Project Newsletter
Kühn, H. J., 1999:
Gestrandet bei Uelvesbüll. Wrack-
archäologie in Nordfriesland,
Husum; R. Daalder, et al.:
Goud uit Graan, Nederland en het Oostzeegebied 1600-
In lateApril 2006, the trawler E 4
Ho Bugt
from Esbjerg was
shrimping south of Fanø when its nets became entangled in
wreckage. The find was duly reported: the wreckage of a
thirteenth century ship, probably a cargo vessel. The find
and the circumstances surrounding it are discussed in this
paper. The discussion is also used to introduce Sjæklen’s
readers to the maritime archaeology programme which
is presently taking shape in the context of the Centre for
Maritime and Regional Studies, in which the Fisheries and
Maritime Museum and the University of Southern Denmark
are participating. The focus of the programme is explained
together with the way in which this find will contribute
to our perception of heritage and the way we look at the
formation and preservation of archaeological sites, and to
a detailed understanding of shipbuilding technology. Based
at Esbjerg, the programme has a specific interest in the
northernmost part of the Wadden Sea, which has actually
commanded very little maritime archaeological attention to
When the recently discovered ship sank, Knude Dyb
was the entry to the market city of Ribe, then in its heyday.
The dynamism of erosion and sedimentation in such tidal
gullies can produce marine archaeological sites of great
integrity - this has proved to be the case in other Wadden
Sea inlets and gullies. Nevertheless, the Knude Dyb wreck
has evidently not kept its integrity. We may assume that
any cargo or inventory may have dispersed. Even though
we may only be looking at fragments of the hull with little
expectation of associated finds, the find is still very much
worthwhile. Comparison of details with a few other specific
finds will help us to understand the variability of ship types
and shipbuilding techniques in this particular period, a
subject which is much discussed in maritime archaeological
circles. In fact it is argued that in this specific case, it would
be rewarding scientifically, and justifiable from the point of
view of heritage management, to complement the present
material with any fragments which may still be present at
the site, but the responsible authorities must decide on this.
Before any such decision can be taken, we should find
out whether more of the ship can be localised. Organising a
survey of the area is the obvious first step. The crew of the
may be able to help, and the possibility of organising
such a survey as a joint effort of the maritime archaeological
programme, the Fisheries and Maritime Museum, the
Strandingsmuseum in Thorsminde, the Viking Museum
in Roskilde and any other partners has been discussed. As
a sonar survey would provide the most urgently needed
information, the deployment of an SSS system has been
discussed with the Esbjerg-based firm MacArtney A/S.
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