Wilhelm von Rosen:
Rigsarkivet og hjælpemidlerne til
dets benyttelse
II 3.bd., København 1991, p.1231-1233.
Claus Jensen:
Hvad skal vi med et fiskeriministerium?
upubl. speciale i historie, Københavns Universitet 1993, p.
Claus Jensen:
Hvad skal vi med et fiskeriministerium?
upubl. speciale i historie, Københavns Universitet 1993, p.
A.C. Strubberg:
Dansk Fiskeristat II.
, København 1936,
p. 704-705.
Poul Hansen og Jette Nielsen (red.):
Forsøgslaboratorium 50 år
, København 1981, p. 3-11.
Claus Jensen:
Hvad skal vi med et fiskeriministerium?
upubl. speciale i historie, Københavns Universitet 1993, p.
Claus Jensen:
Hvad skal vi med et fiskeriministerium?
upubl. speciale i historie, Københavns Universitet 1993, p.
For en nærmere gennemgang af de organisatoriske for-
hold samt kilderne hertil, henvises til den i note 1 nævnte
oversigt over Fiskeriministeriets arkivalier.
En detaljeret gennemgang af de enkelte arkivsystemer
og deres brug er givet på følgende adresser fra Rigsarkivets
Anne Lif Lund Jacobsen:
Limfjordens Fiskeri 1890 til
1925 - Biologi, økonomi og forvaltning
, upubl. speciale i
historie, Syddansk Universitet Esbjerg 2003, p.12-14.
For dette og følgende afsnit henvises der generelt til
den i note 1 nævnte oversigt over Fiskeriministeriets arki-
This article deals with the documents of the Ministry of
Fisheries, which are kept in the National Archives in Co-
penhagen. The chief motivation for this is that, in recent
years, the Ministry of Fisheries has given a substantial num-
ber of documents, offering a series of new perspectives on
the history of the fisheries, to the National Archives. So far,
however, very little information on the content of the docu-
ments or the structure of the records has been available.
This article aims to address these subjects.
By way of introduction, a brief history of the admini-
stration of the fisheries is given. The introduction outlines
the history from both before and after 1947, the year in
which the first independent Ministry of Fisheries was estab-
lished. The main focus is on the post-1947 era, since most
of the acquired documents cover this period. Following the
introduction, there is a thorough examination of the recor-
ding system. Three types of systems have been used during
the period from 1947 to 1994. Firstly, a centralised system
was used, in which all incoming correspondence was recor-
ded in a common journal. In 1950, the system was divided
so that each office used separate journals for recording
information and in 1984, the system was again reorganised.
In that year, a common, digitalised journal was brought into
use, the first in which a specific search on a given topic was
The documents of the Ministry of Fisheries hold a rich
variety of subjects of which, only a few examples are cove-
red in the article. One of these is the so-called »ordinary fishe-
ry matters«. This group of records contains cases that are
either too small or too divergent to be included in the gene-
ral system. A test sample, from the 1948 records, shows
items such as: Greenland fisheries; the fisheries policy of
the United States; import of echo sounders and Swedish stu-
dy tours in Denmark. Other examples are documents of the
Fisheries Council, which hold a lot of information concer-
ning negotiations on exports, marketing and propaganda, as
well as more mundane subjects such as: the standardisation
of fisheries products.
Seen as a whole, the new documents delivered by the
Ministry of Fisheries to the National Archives could promo-
te renewed research into the history of the presentday Fis-
heries and might even be a good starting point for a more
comprehensive history of Danish fisheries for which there
seems to be a great need.
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