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Ungdomserindringer. (Fotogr. optr.).

Memoirer Og Breve,

9. Kbh.: August Bang, 1967. p. 9.


Nielsen, Niels Martin:

En Dansk Søemands, Af Ham

Selv Skrevne, Hændelser Paa Sine Søetoure Fra 1798 Til


Kjøbenhavn: trykt paa Forfatterens Enkes Bekost-

ning, 1831. p. 1.


De mange hundrede breve, som Tordenskjold skrev er

samlet og udgivet: Bergersen, Olav:

Tordenskiolds Brev.

Universitetsforlaget: Oslo, 1963.


Jørgen Baltazar Winterfeldts almanak. Forsvarets bibliotek.


Tobias Wiegandts dagbog, Rigsarkivet.


Paludan, Jens Jacob:

Kommandør Jens Jacob Paludans

Ungdomserindringer. (Fotogr. optr.)

. Memoirer Og Breve,

9. Kbh.: August Bang, 1967.


Rasch, Søren Nielsen:

En dansk bondeskippers histo-

rie: fra englandskrigens og skudehandelens tid: Søren N.

Raschs optegnelser.

Historisk Samfund for Ribe Amt, 1977.


Cortemünde, J. P.:

Dagbog Fra En Ostindiefart 1672-


Søhistoriske Skrifter, 5. Handels- og Søfartsmuseet på

Kronborg, 1953. p. 130.


Cortemünte, J. P.:

Dagbog Fra En Ostindiefart 1672-


Søhistoriske Skrifter, 5. Handels- og Søfartsmuseet på

Kronborg, 1953. p. 131.


Thurah, Diderik de:

En kort Beskrivelse over Guds For-

syns Veye med mig i dette Liv.

København, 1784.


Lerche, Christian: Christian Lerches Selvbiografi.


nalhistorisk Tidsskrift

5. række, no. IV (n.d.): 258-67. p. 261.


Paludan, Jens Jacob:

Kommandør Jens Jacob Paludans

Ungdomserindringer. (Fotogr. optr.).

Memoirer Og Breve,

9. Kbh.: August Bang, 1967. p. 94.


Paludan, Jens Jacob:

Kommandør Jens Jacob Paludans

Ungdomserindringer. (Fotogr. optr.).

Memoirer Og Breve,

9. Kbh.: August Bang, 1967. p. 108.


Bergersen, Olav:

Tordenskiolds Brev.


get: Oslo, 1963. 9, brev 8.


Agerbeck, Otto Diderik Lütken:

Kort og ukunstlet Be-

skrivelse over de vigtigste Begivenheder, som ere hendtes

mig fra min Barndom, og de Hendelser og Anekdoter, som

ere forekomne mig mest mærkværdige i de 44 Aar, jeg har

havet til Søes.

København, 1804. p. 128.


Jørgen Baltazar Winterfeldts almanak. Forsvarets bib-



To see history through a micro-perspective, ego documents

are the paramount source. This is particularly true for the

sailors in the maritime history. When the purpose is not to

draw the great lines of history but rather to experience those

small everyday things, the letters, diaries, autobiographies

and memories are a gold mine of information – of course

seen through the eyes of the writer.

To get to know the characteristics of every sailor we need

to look beyond the text and deduce what is written between

the lines. What interests him, and what has he left out? How

does he measure and describe things that are strange to him,

such as foreign countries and their inhabitants and culture?

All these things tell us not only what kind of person he was

himself, but also about his environment and the way he nav-

igated in it.

In this article I have sketched out three major topics that

can be determining for a person’s identity. The first is reli-

gion, which throughout time has been the primary reference

to quite a few aspects in a society: answers on life, social

norms and an individual’s relationship with God, thus his

perception of himself.

Next are the individual experiences. As experiences both

delightful and traumatic, hard choices, wrong or right choic-

es or simply an important new chapter in life shape us and

give us skills, knowledge and personality. These events in

the sailor’s life are important for the way he views himself

and the world. The sailors are often most aware of the fact

that an event has been significant and it is well described in

their ego documents.

Last comes the aspect of society. The norms of society

influence the behaviour of every single member, and will

affect his or her view of right and wrong. As the norms of

society are often built into a person from a very early age,

they often appear as related to the individual. Society is also

strongly affected by religion, and these two aspects will in

many cases merge.