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of trade, and the Royal Faeroe Company was dissolved in

the years 1856-1858; staff and crews were dismissed, and

ships and establishments sold. New times of technological

advances – e.g. steamships – made it easier to supply and

connect the islands to Denmark and elsewhere. The islands

finally had their own shipping and fishing companies. It has

been claimed that the trade monopoly was crippling to the

wealth and development of the islands – a legacy of the

liberal belief that free trade is always best – but the mo-

nopoly secured supplies and goods from Denmark in good

as well as bad times, and for a long time the majority of the

people in the islands rejected free trade as this also meant

more unstable and less diversified supplies, and less steady

exports of their own products.

Udsigt mod Mykines. Foto: Morten Hahn-Pedersen.