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wild juvenile Atlantic salmon.

Journal of Animal Ecology


2013, in press.


Lans, L., Greenberg, L.A., Karlsson, J., Calles, O.,

Schmitz, M., & Bergman, E.: The effects of ration size on

migration by hatchery-raised Atlantic salmon (

Salmo salar


and brown trout (

Salmo trutta


Ecology of Freshwater Fish


20, 2011, p. 548-557.


Seppänen, E., Piironen, J., & Huuskonen, H.: Consis-

tency of standard metabolic rate in relation to life history

strategy of juvenile Atlantic salmon

Salmo salar



tive Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Inte-

grative Physiology

: 156, 2010, p. 278-284.


Laiz-Carrión, R., Sangiao-Alvarellos, S., Guzmán,

J.M., Martín del Río, M.P., Soengas, J.L. & Mancera, J.M.:

Growth performance of gilthead sea bream

Sparus aurata

in different osmotic conditions: implications for osmoregu-

lation and energy metabolism.


: 250, 2005, p.

849-861; Sangiao-Alvarellos, S., Laiz-Carrión, R., Guzmán,

J.M., Martin del Río, M.P., Miguez, J.M., Mancera, J.M. &

Soengas, J.L.: Acclimation of

S. aurata

to various salinities

alters energy metabolism of osmoregulatory and nonosmo-

regulatory organs.

American Journal of Physiology – Regu-

latory Integrative and Comparative Physiology

: 285, 2003,

p. R897-R907; Sangiao-Alvarellos, S., Arjona, F.J., Martín

del Río, M.P., Míguez, J.M., Mancera, J.M. & Soengas, J.L.:

Time course of osmoregulatory and metabolic changes dur-

ing osmotic acclimation in

Sparus auratus


Journal of Ex-

perimental Biology

: 208, 2005, p. 4291-4304.


Robertsen, G., Armstrong, J.D., Nislow, K.H., Herfindal,

I., McKelvey, S., & Einum, S.: Spatial variation in the re-

lationship between performance and metabolic rate in wild

juvenile Atlantic salmon.

Journal of Animal Ecology

: 2013,

in press; Norin, T., & Malte, H.: Repeatability of standard

metabolic rate, active metabolic rate and aerobic scope in

young brown trout during a period of moderate food avail-


The Journal of Experimental Biology

: 214, 2011, p.

1668-1675; Reid, D., Armstrong, J.D., & Metcalfe, N.B.: Es-

timated standard metabolic rate interacts with territory qual-

ity and density to determine the growth rates of juvenile At-

lantic salmon.

Functional Ecology: 25, 2011, p. 1360-1367.

Snæbel fanget i forbindelse med bestandsundersøgelse. Foto: Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet.