Philosoph Plato und Nordfriesland, i:
Neue Folge 29 (1993), s. 18.
Hermann Wieland,
Atlantis, Edda und Bibel. Das
entdeckte Geheimnis der Heiligen Schrift. Des deutschen
Volkes Rettung aus Not und Tod
(Nürnberg 1922), s. 144f.,
157-159; Jürgen Spanuth,
Das enträtselte Atlantis
(Stuttgart 1953); samme, ...
und doch: Atlantis enträtselt!
(Stuttgart 1955); samme,
Atlantis. Heimat, Reich und
Schicksal der Germanen
(Tübingen 1965); samme,
Die At-
lanter. Volk aus dem Bernsteinland
(Tübingen 1976).- Sml.
Sibylle Mulot, Wodin, Tunis und Inka. Die Ura-Linda-
Chronik, i: Karl Corino (red.),
Gefälscht! Betrug in Politik,
Literatur, Wissenschaft, Kunst und Musik
(Reinbek 1992), s.
276f; Burchard Brentjes,
Atlantis. Geschichte einer Utopie
(Köln 1993), s. 142-144., 157.
25cd (Povl Johs. Jensens oversættelse,
udg. Carsten Høeg og Hans Ræder).
Panten, Atlantis’ Untergang
s. 48f.
Således Waldemar Augustiny,
Die große Flut. Chronik
der Insel Strand
(Husum 1981) om stormfloden i 1634 og
Kari Köster,
Die letzten Tage von Rungholt
1997) om den i 1362.
Mogens Juhl, Stormflodsminder i Ribe - og nærmeste
omegn, i:
By, marsk og geest 12
(2000), s. 72-83.
Sml. Frank Trende,
Die Schlacht bei Hemmingstedt. Ein
deutscher Mythos zwischen Politik, Poesie und Propaganda
(Heide 2000) (se også bl.a. Müllenhoff, Sagen, nr. 71, s. 59-
64). Også denne bog, i hvilken de anførte digte er genop-
trykt, er skrevet i anledning af årsdagen. Vedr. mindesmær-
ke sml. også Nils Hansen,
Meldorf 1900. Zum Alltags- und
Mentalitätswandel in einer westholsteinischen Kleinstadt
unter dem Einfluß der Industrialisierung (1869-1914)
münster 1993), s. 152-159.
The North Sea is counted among those regions in the
Northern Hemisphere where storms are most frequent and
severe. Storm floods have been a recurrent phenomenon in
the coastal regions between Belgium and Denmark through-
out time immemorial. The experiences of storm floods ha-
ve been deeply etched into the collective memory of the
local population and have greatly influenced the regional
identity. However, on closer investigation, many historic
reports are seen to have been exaggerated and it is difficult
to distinguish between myth and reality. The paradigm of
lieu de mémoire
(place of memory) provides an appro-
priate basis for a more detailed examination of the various
experiences and concepts that contributed to mythologizing
storm floods. Places of memory represent enduring focal
points in the collective memory and identity and so the con-
cept is well suited for examining the mythical interpretati-
on of the storm flood.
It is possible to use storm floods to analyse the aspects
which make up a specific
lieu de mémoire
and the histori-
cal periods and conceptual mindsets that gave birth to it. In
the article, three aspects that shaped the prevailing percep-
tions in various historical periods are studied more closely:
1. The mythical conception of the floods, which has found
expression in the moralistic interpretation that storm floods
are a scourge of God
2. The compressed view typical of historiography that con-
centrates on specific floods resulting in severe damage and
loss of land they intailed and
3. The transformation of storm floods into a national
lieu de
initiated by the Romantic discovery of the coun-
tryside and all things Frisian, in the nineteenth century.
During the various historical periods, storm floods gave
rise to a variety of models, which served to interpret or
otherwise come to terms with them. These continued to
develop and complement one another, each helping to
further mythologize storm floods, thus increasing the com-
plexity of the myth. Ancient mythical ideas were reinter-
preted and secularised and even came to form the hidden
basis of many a modern scholarly explanation. In this way,
storm floods have continued to function as a regional and
lieu de mémoire
up to the present day and are fac-
tors that contribute to the creation of identity.
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