Dana Anglia
er skrevet på baggrund af de respektive af-
delingers arbejdsbeskrivelser og tørnplaner. Under projekt-
holdets tur med
Dana Anglia
blev der desuden i alt
optaget 22 interviews med besætningsmedlemmer fra
catering- og hotelsektionen. Under udarbejdelsen af
nærværende afsnit er anvendt oplysninger fra interviews
med bedmaker Sheila Brown, overtjener Jeanette Christen-
sen, passagerassistent Ruth Jensen, informationsassistent
Helle Kongsberg, smørrebrødsjomfru Maria Larsen, bager
Preben Nissen, DJ Carl Richard-Browns og oldfrue Ilse
Skov. Alle 22 interviews vil senere i projektforløbet indgå
i mere detaljerede undersøgelser.
Afsnittet om passagererne er sammenskrevet på
baggrund af en databehandling af de i alt 120 spørge-
skemabaserede interviews, som projektholdet i perioden
2-4/9-2002 optog med passagerer om bord på
Dana Ang-
. Desuden indgår i nærværende lidt fyldigere oplys-
ninger fra interviews nr. 1, 2, 87 og 88. Senere i projektet
vil samtlige passagerinterviews blive anvendt fuldt ud.
Citat fra DFDS beretning og regnskab 2001, p. 4.
Afsnittet er sammenskrevet på basis af de i note
5-9 nævnte interviews.
Brev af 31-10-02 fra Hotelmanager Dan Juhl Jensen
Duke of Scandinavia
ex Dana Anglia
) til Morten Hahn-
Pedersen (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet).
Morgenavisen JyllandsPosten 19-11-2002.
JydskeVestkysten 30-11-2002. Ifølge pressemeddelelse
fra DFDS 13-1-2003 indsættes den anden nybygning
under navnet
Dana Sirena
på Esbjerg-Harwich ruten den
17. juni 2003.
The shipping company DFDS is undergoing a phase of
expansion and reorganisation including a high degree of
modernisation of the fleet, with investments in a number
of new constructions to replace old tonnage. In 2002, DFDS
announced that at the end of September of the same year,
the M/S
Dana Anglia
would be transferred as a part of this
process from the North Sea route between Esbjerg and
Harwich to a new route from Copenhagen via Trelleborg in
Sweden to Gdansk in Poland. The
Dana Anglia
was to be
replaced on the North Sea Route by a newly bought ro-pax
(combined freight and passenger) ship.
These decisions made by DFDS’s head office in Copen-
hagen will affect Esbjerg in a number of ways. Firstly, the
decisions meant saying goodbye to the
Dana Anglia
, which
had been a distinctive presence in Esbjerg Harbour for
almost a quarter of a century. Secondly, DFDS’s route re-
organisation meant less passenger capacity on the Esbjerg-
Harwich route, while freight capacity was increased. And
finally, the conversion to a ro-pax concept meant at least a
partial end to the floating hotel, which had been the sustai-
ning element for more than three decades in DFDS’s Eng-
land routes from Esbjerg.
An obvious task for the Fisheries and Maritime Muse-
um/CMRS was to document both the still existing situation
as well as the changes which had now been set in motion.
In June 2002 the Museum therefore contacted DFDS with a
proposal for a documentation and research project which,
starting with the
Dana Anglia
, would analyse the routes
between Esbjerg and England. Apart from simply docu-
menting the
Dana Anglia’s
voyages, it was of interest to
attempt to obtain materials which would explain the route’s
knock-on economic significance for Esbjerg with respect to
both tourism and miscellaneous deliveries of goods and ser-
vices to the ship. It was also considered relevant to study
how, and to what extent, the transition from a vessel based
on the concept of a floating hotel to a vessel based on a ro-
pax concept would affect this situation. It was further con-
sidered of interest to place matters in perspective within
shipping by carrying out a corresponding study of a com-
peting form of transport such as
Ryan Air’
s services to
Esbjerg Airport. It would finally be relevant on the basis of
these projects to extend the study to a full description of the
passenger ship traffic between Esbjerg and England since
the 1960s seen in relation to the period’s general develop-
ment within Danish and international passenger traffic.
But in the first instance it was primarily a question of
documenting the
Dana Anglia´s
Esbjerg-Harwich route
before the ship was moved to another route. This documen-
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