Det Inter-regionale Vadehavssamarbede:
Debat om turis-
men i Vadehavet.
En rig natur i et rigt samfund.
og Naturstyrelsen 2001.
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening:
Fuglenes Danmark.
Bæredygtig udvikling af turismen og den
rekreative udnyttelse i Vadehavsregionen.
Det Interregiona-
le Vadehavssamarbejde 2000.
The Wadden Sea is visited by about 40 million tourists
annually, and the visitors make a major contribution to the
region’s economic growth. If turnovers in Denmark, Ger-
many and Holland are added up, tourism contributes 12 bil-
lion Danish kroner. All surveys show that ’nature’ is the top
attraction when tourists are asked why they are choosing
the Wadden Sea area for their holiday, an area which is also
considered to be an internationally important nature area in
need of protection. Mass tourism can involve increased traf-
fic in vulnerable areas such as dunes, marshes and moors.
Many coastal birds have disappeared from Danish coasts
since the 1950s because of human interference and, para-
doxically, nature guidance can ’open’ unique natural areas
to more people, with a potentially negative impact on ani-
mals and plants. One might say that the most sustainable
approach from the point of view of the landscape and the
natural environment would be if all tourists are gathered on
the beach.
Sustainable tourism in the Wadden Sea area is, however,
defined as a form of tourism which focuses on and protects
the natural environment, the landscape and cultural history.
The so-called Netforum, established by the Inter-regional
Wadden Sea Cooperation, thus recommends the simul-
taneous protection and utilisation of the natural values for
purposes of tourism. Several cases show, however, that this
is a difficult balancing act. The beaches on the Wadden Sea
islands are popular among many user groups, and although
the beach is zoned for different activities, it is difficult to
avoid conflicts among users and interests. The Fisheries and
Maritime Museum’s nature guides in Blåvand and on Fanø
arrange a large number of tours in the area and are working
to inform visitors of appropriate traffic in the landscape.
The Danish Outdoor Council has been providing financial
support for the nature guide scheme on Fanø for some
years. The aim of the scheme is to implement some of Net-
forum’s recommendations. Thus a successful partnership
has been established with Fanø Art Gallery on events com-
bining art, culture and natural history. Current themes inclu-
Regional products
Man and nature around Sønder-
, and a current project is
Heath management for school-
. The nature guides are working with the counties
and forest districts to prepare information stands to guide
visitors, and thus prevent traffic from having a negative
impact on animals and plants.
At the moment, the possibilities of a national park in the
Wadden Sea area are being considered. If this park becomes
a reality, the need to consider tourism and nature protection
together will increase.
Aktive deltagere ’I kunstnernes fodspor’.
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