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Bro mellem museums- og universitetsforskning,



, p. 141.


Dansk Museums Dokumentations Standard er et grund-

læggende princip for registrering på museerne i Danmark.

Se mere på Kulturstyrelsens hjemmeside:




Poul Holm: Status efter tredive års indsamlinger og un-



, 1987, p. 17-18.


Rapport m.m. fra samlingsgennemgangen findes i mu-

seets arkiv under sagsnr. 3013.


Museernes Samlinger findes på Kulturstyrelsens hjem-

meside på adressen:


Bekendtgørelse af museumsloven 14/12-2006, § 14, stk. 10.


”Om Museernes Samlinger” på


Torben Witt: Registrering på kulturhistoriske museer,

artikel udgivet af Kulturarvsstyrelsen april 2004, p. 2.


Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet har ikke benyttet klassifikati-

onssystemet til sine registreringer, og kan derfor ikke bruges

ved søgning i museets samling. Det skyldes, at klassifika-

tionerne er utilstrækkeligt for et specialmuseum, idet der

mangler de nødvendige underopdelinger af emnerne fiskeri

og søfart. Desuden kan registreringssystemet Regin ikke

håndtere et stort antal registreringer med samme kategori



During 2013, the Fisheries and Maritime Museum pub-

lished its registrations on the central online culture register

(Museernes Samlinger – the Museums’ Collections), which

presents the collections in an entirely new way as citizens

interested in cultural history can now sit at home in their

living rooms and search for a specific name or item, which

is displayed with photo, description and history. This is only

possible because since 2001, the museum has been making

a comprehensive review of its collections, updating them to

a new registration system which complies with today’s re-

quirements and standards. The entire cultural history collec-

tion was reviewed, and a systematic and thorough following

up and improvement of all original registrations since the

museum’s establishment in 1968 was made with the aid of

changing systems and employees. The increased focus has

given a qualitative lift to the entire registration area, which is

one of the museum’s statutory tasks, but which has been put

a little in the background for many years in relation to the

other tasks – collection, preservation, research and commu-

nication. The great majority of the museum’s visitors simply

look at the displays and are not immediately aware of the

underlying work or the content of the museum’s collections,

but with the publication of the museum’s collections, the

communication has been given a new dimension, and it is

possible to look behind the scenes and research the diversity

of items and historical evidence in the museum oneself.

Et kig ind i museets magasiner, som befinder sig i kælderen under

museet. Foto: Brian Kristensen, 2009.